Newest Job Vacancy ..... Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

Sunday, September 11, 2011

HR-GA Officer - PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika

Jabatan: Pemula
Fungsi kerja: Sumber Daya Manusia
Posisi: HR-GA Officer
Lokasi kerja: Bandung
Jenjang pendidikan: Sarjana/S1
Jurusan: Apa saja
Pengalaman kerja: Paling sedikit 1 tahun
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Tidak disebutkan
Persyaratan: - Pendidikan S1
- Berpengalaman min. 1 tahun sebagai HR-GA Staff
Deskripsi pekerjaan: - Menangani dan memonitor administrasi kepersonalian yang diperlukan untuk memastikan pelayanan administrasi kepersonaliaan yang diberikan kepada karyawan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku
- Menangani administrasi rekrutmen dan training (in house ataupun public) yang dilaksanakan di kantor regional secara sistematis agar pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan training dapat berjalan lancar sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku
- Menangani kegiatan yang terkait dengan aset dan maintanance-nya serta menangani permasalahan untuk memastikan tempat dan peralatan kerja dapat berfungsi dengan semestinya dalam menunjang pekerjaan
- Melakukan opname fixed asset untuk memastikan kondisi fixed asset yang ter-record sama dengan kondisi di lapangan dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perangkat kerja karyawan
- Melakukan stock opname non fixed asset untuk memastikan ketersediaan barang yang diperlukan dalam proses kerja di kantor regional

Kirimkan surat lamaran anda beserta CV, fotokopi Ijasah dan KTP, Pas Foto terbaru (warna, 4x6) ke:

Recruitment Dept.
Graha Adira Lt. 8
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 21
Jakarta Pusat 10340

Atau email ke:

close date : 16 september 2011

Instructor Staff - NISSAN

Instructor Staff

Job Specification :

Position : Instructor Staff

Dept / Div : Nissan College – AFS Training

Working Location : Nissan TB Simatupang

Job description:

Prepre training material for basic technician and N-STEP 1

Delivery training to develop basic skil and skill - up

Wrap-up training result and administration


Min DIII Teaching – Mechanical with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00

Has experience min as assistant teacher of technical high school

Single, Male, 25 - 30 years old

Able to operate computer (Ms. Office, especially Ms. Excel)

Capable to coach and train new technicians and able to deliver material in logic and systematic

Have good analysis, can work under pressure, learner and hardworker

Has good interpersonal relationship, communication skill & able to work as team

Please submit your complete application letter Before September 30th, 2011 to:
(Subject: Instructor Staff)

Only short listed candidates who meet requirement will be notified.


We are the TVS MOTOR COMPANY INDONESIA located in KARAWANG, part of the TVS Group is the seventh largest motorcycle company in the world, with a turn over of USD 740 million. We are now in Indonesia where we see a fast potential for growth motorcycle market in the world.

To fulfill our ambition to become the third largest motorcycle in Indonesia, we are looking for dynamic and highly motivated individuals to strengthen our management team for the future. If you're ready for challenge and want to join a company with sports culture, you can apply for career opportunity as:
Product - Engineering ( PE )


Maintain the plant & estate layout, update whenever required;
Plan, procure & install facilities for Spare Warehouse, Stores;
Plan, procure & install material handling facilities such as trolleys, bins, crates required for new product, upgrades & during ECR/ECO changes,
Support Engine assembly facility installation, trouble shooting & standards preparation


Min D3 in Engineering, preferably in Mechanical Engineering
Min 2 years of experience in Production Engineer
Able to operate computer applications
Able to communicate in English
Willingness to be placed in KarawangTimur ( shuttle bus provided )

Those who are interested and meet our requirements may send their applications with CV and a photograph within two weeks after the publication of this advertisement by using

Only short listed candidates will be contacted

For quick response, submit your CV on-line through career section at