Newest Job Vacancy ..... Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

Friday, May 30, 2008

Carrer with Singapore Telecommunications(Sing Tel)

Position available:
1. Web Business Analyst
2. Engineering Officer (DC Power System)
3. Web Business Analyst
4. New Media Producer / Editor
5. Online & Mobile Marketing Manager
6. Offline Marketing Manager
7. Marketing Manager (Research & Trade Marketing)
8. Legal Officer (6-mth Contract)
9. Administrative Executive
10.Customer Service Officer (Service 1608) and more position

for information look at

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Job Vacancy at PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg

Closing Date June 20, 2008

PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg., one of the biggest Automotive Company, located in Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta urgently looking for highly motivated, dynamic, and qualified person to fill in the following positions :

Engineering Staff (ES)


* Hold S1 Degree in Mechanical Engineering
* Male, Max 28 years old
* Good knowledge about technical drawing, CAD / CAM, Able to make design
* Have driving license C and have good skill in riding a motorcycle
* Graduate from reputable university with GPA min 2.75
* Excellent skills in Computer & Microsoft Office
* Fluent in written & spoken English
* Good personality and communication skills
* Hardworking and able to work under pressure
* Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team
* Single

Purchase Quality Engineering (PQE)


  • Hold S1 Degree in Mechanical / Industrial Engineering
  • Male, Max 27 years old
  • Preferable have experience 1-2 years / Fresh Graduate are welcome
  • Have Driving License A
  • Graduate from reputable university with GPA min 2.75
  • Excellent skills in Computer & Microsoft Office
  • Fluent in written & spoken English
  • Good personality and communication skills
  • Hardworking and able to work under pressure
  • Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team
  • Single

Quality Evaluation (QE)


  • Hold S1 Degree in Metallurgical Engineering
  • Male, Max 25 years old
  • Preferable have experience 1-2 years / Fresh Graduate are welcome
  • Graduate from reputable university with GPA min 2.75
  • Excellent skills in Computer & Microsoft Office
  • Fluent in written & spoken English
  • Good personality and communication skills
  • Hardworking and able to work under pressure
  • Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team
  • Single

Treasury Staff (TS)

  • Hold S1 Degree in Accounting
  • Female, Max 27 years old
  • Excellent skills in Accounting Software & Microsoft Office
  • Preferable have experience 1 – 3 years as an Auditor in Accountant Public Firm or as an Accounting Staf
  • Graduate from reputable university with GPA min 2.75
  • Excellent skills in Computer & Microsoft Office
  • Fluent in written & spoken English
  • Good personality and communication skills
  • Hardworking and able to work under pressure
  • Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team
  • Single
Please send your application, CV, copy of academic transcript with GPA min 2,75 and 4 X 6 latest photograph, not later than two weeks after this advertisement to:



Or E-mail to :

All applications will be treated strictly confidential.
Please put the code of position on right corner of the envelope and application.
Only short listed applicants will be notified.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Job Vacancy at PT Millenium Pharmacon International, Tbk

Closing Date June 19, 2008

We are a listed company as a subsidiary of a pharmaceutical multi national company in Asia currently operating with 25 branches all over Indonesia. To enhance and expand our business in medical device and equipments, we are seeking everyone who is high achievers and need a challenge to be a part of our members in a new division as the Winning Team for the position of:

Junior Area Manager (JAM)


  • Male/Female
  • Maximum age 35 years old
  • Education min Diploma but S1 degree in related preferably from recognized institution in related disciplines
  • Experience min 3 years in pharmaceutical or medical device distribution
  • Having leadership & relationship skills, customer oriented, business mindedness, good strategic and analytical thinking, and good negotiation skills, able to perform under pressure and target result oriented
  • Able to speak and write in English is an added value and computer literate is a must

Service Support Officer (SSO)


  • Female
  • Maximum age 26 years old
  • Education min Diploma but S1 degree in related preferably from recognized institution in related disciplines; Communication, Management, Secretary, Public Relation, Business, Marketing, etc
  • Experience min 1 years in pharmaceutical or medical device distribution
  • Having relationship skills, customer oriented, business mindedness and good negotiation skills, able to perform under pressure and target result oriented
  • Able to speak and write in English is an added value and computer literate is a must

Product Specialist (PS)


  • Male/Female
  • Maximum age 30 years old
  • Education min Diploma but S1 degree in related preferably from recognized institution in related disciplines; Biology, Medical, Public Health, Pharmacy, etc
  • Experience min 1 years in pharmaceutical or medical device distribution
  • Having relationship skills, customer oriented, business mindedness and good negotiation skills, able to perform under pressure and target result oriented
  • Able to speak and write in English is an added value and computer literate is a must

If you are confident that you meet our requirements, please forward your application with complete curriculum vitae with recent photograph/picture in Word or PDF format max. 250 KB, and indicating the job position, to:
Recruitment - HRD
PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk.

Panin Bank Centre fl9
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta


Berlaku : 1 April 2008 - 15 Juni 2008 (2.5 Bulan)

Jurusan Sistem Informasi Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Surabaya adalah Jurusan yang berada di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka di Indonesia Timur dengan mahasiswa lebih dari 15.000 orang, membuka lowongan seluas-luasnya bagi putra putri terbaik bangsa untuk mengabdi di bidang pendidikan tinggi sebagai tenaga pengajar (dosen) honorer FULL TIME.

a. Lulus dari S1 dari Sistem Informasi/Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Informatika/Ilmu komputer, Teknologi Informasi
b. Lulus S1 dari perguruan tinggi ternama dalam negeri(berakreditasi A) atau luar negeri
c. IPK >= 3
d. TOEFL Score >=500 (institutional Toefl is welcome)
e. Berdedikasi dan berkomitmen tinggi terhadap dunia pendidikan
f. Jika masih memegang ijazah S1, bersedia melanjutkan studi S2 di bidang Sistem Informasi,
g. Lebih disukai sudah atau sedang melanjutkan S2.
h. Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman kerja.
i. Lebih disukai memiliki sertifikasi internasional (CISA, PMP, SCJP, MCP, OCP, dsb).

Surat Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke :

Yth. Ketua Jurusan Sistem Informasi
d.a Bagian Tata Usaha Jurusan Sistem Informasi
Gedung Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (FTIF) Lt 2
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya Kodepos 60111

dengan dilampiri:
a. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
b. Copy Ijazah
c. Copy Transkrip Akademik
d. Sertifikasi TOEFL
e. Foto 4×6 (1 Lembar)

Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lowongan Kerja Management Development Program (MDP) di PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA)

Closing Date June 24, 2008

Management Development Program (MDP)


  • Pendidikan Sarjana Strata 1 / Strata 2
  • Indeks prestasi minimal 3.00 (skala 4.00) baik strata 1 maupun strata 2
  • Komunikasi yang sistematis
  • Memiliki daya analisa yang tinggi
  • Motivasi tinggi
  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun (untuk S1) dan 27 tahun (untuk S2)
  • Belum menikah dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama pendidikan
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
  • Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas setelah pendidikan
  • Lulus dalam seleksi

Khusus untuk lowongan MDP, lamaran di tujukan langsung Web Site MDP di:


PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) membuka kesempatan kerja bagi lulusan D-3 Teknik untuk mengisi

formasi di Bidang Operasi di lingkungan Unit Pengolahan III plaju dengan persyaratan sebagai



I. Persyaratan Umum :
1. Berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi yang telah memiliki Akreditasi dari Lembaga yang berwenang.
2. Pendidikan D-3 Teknik Jurusan :

*Teknik Kimia
*Teknik Mesin, dengan latar belakang pendidikan SLTA Jurusan IPA
*Teknik Listrik (arus kuat). dengan latar belakang pendidikan SLTA Jurusan IPA
*Teknik Lingkungan, dengan latar belakang pendidikan SLTA Jurusan IPA

3. Jenis Kelamin laki-laki.
4. Tinggi Badan minimal 160 cm
5. Belum menikah
6. Usia maksimal 24 tahun (tahun kelahiran 1984)
7. Nilai IPK (Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima) pada skala 4
8. Tercatat sebagai pencari kerja pada Dinas Tenaga Kerja setempat.
9. Sehat jasmani dan Rohani.
10. Bebas Narkoba dan atau zat aditif/psikotropika lainnya.
11. Lulus keseluruhan tahap seleksi.
12. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi Perusahaan

II. Persyaratan Administrasi :

1. Menyampaikan Surat lamaran cantumkan alamat yang jelas, No. HP atau phone yang bisa dihubungi (diketik atau ditulis tangan) dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
2. Surat lamaran dilampirkan dokumen yang diperlukan guna keperluan seleksi administrasi dan disusun sebagai berikut:

o Daftar Riwayat Hidup Pelamar dalam bahasa Indonesia.

o Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4x6 berwarna/hitam putih 3 lembar (cantumkan nama pada bagian belakang foto)

o Fotocopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) / KTP Sementara yang 1 lembar masih berlaku.(tidak diperkenankan menggunakan kartu diri yang lain)

o Fotocopi Surat Pencari Kerja (AK1) dari Dinas Tenaga Kerja 1 lembar setempat yang masih berlaku

o Fotocopi ijazah yang telah dilegalisir 1 lembar

o Fotocopi transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir 1 lembar

o Fotocopi Akta Kelahiran/Surat Kenal Lahir yang dikeluarkan 1 lembar oleh instansi yang berwenang

o Fotocopi Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang masih 1 lembar berlaku dari Kepolisian yang dilegalisir

o Surat Pernyataan Diri Bebas Narkoba, yang dibuat dan 1 lembar ditandatangani sendiri (tanpa meterai).

o Surat keterangan belum pernah menikah dari kelurahan 1 lembar setempat.

III. Tata Cara Pengiriman Surat Lamaran :

1. Surat lamaran lengkap tersebut diatas dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat polos ukuran kabinet. Pada sudut kiri atas amplop agar dituliskan kode Lamaran
2. Surat lamaran lengkap dalam amplop tertutup dialamatkan kepada :


PO BOX 1111


Lamaran diterima paling lambat pada tanggal 7 Juni 2008 (cap pos)

IV. Ketentuan

1. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan terbaik, yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti
seleksi penerimaan ini (selama proses seleksi dan penerimaan tidak dipungut biaya apapun).
2. Lamaran yang akan diproses adalah lamaran yang diterima melalui kotak pos pada alamat
tersebut di atas terhitung mulai tanggal pengumuman 05 Mei 2008 sampai dengan 7 Juni 2008
(cap pos).
3. Lamaran tidak akan diproses jika salah satu atau lebih hal-hal sebagai berikut:

*Pada sudut kiri atas ampiop tidak tercantum kode lamaran.
*Lamaran tidak ditujukan melalui alamat yang telah ditentukan.
*Amplop tidak memiliki stempel / cap pos.
*Lamaran dikirim sebelum tanggal pengumuman atau lamaran dikirimkan melewati batas waktu penerimaan surat lamaran (sesuai cap pos).
*Bagi pelamar yang pernah yang pernah mengirimkan surat lamaran sebelum tanggal pengumuman ini dan masih berminat untuk melamar agar mengajukan lamaran baru.

4. Surat lamaran yang masuk tidak akan dikembalikan dengan alasan apapun.
5. Selama proses seleksi tidak diadakan surat menyurat.
6. Hasil seleksi administrasi akan diumumkan melalui media massa dan Papan Pengumuman di
Disnaker Kota Palembang paling lambat tanggal 16 Juni 2008.
7. Keseluruhan proses seleksi diadakan di Kota Palembang. Biaya transportasi dan akomodasi
dari dan atau ke tempat/lokasi pelaksanaan tes menjadi beban pribadi peserta test.
8. Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar yang lulus seleksi merupakan hak Tim Rekrutasi dan
tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
9. Bagi pelamar yang lulus keseluruhan tahapan tes / seleksi akan diikutsertakan dalam
program Bimbingan Kerja yang diadakan oleh Perusahaan sebelum diangkat sebagai

Pekerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu

Demikian untuk dimaklumi dan dipedomani.

Palembang, 30 April 2008



Drs. Erwin R. Bakri, MM

Job Vacancy Management Trainee at PT.KALBE MORINAGA INDONESIA

We are fast growing milk powder manufacturing, seeking young professional candidates to join us as :

Management Trainee ( Code: MT)


* S1 degree in food technology or other related discipline from reputable university
* Minimum GPA 3.00
* Fresh graduates or 1-2 years working experience
* Male, age max.27 years old
* English Proficiency
* Individuals who are passionate about everything they do, good analytical thinking, good interpersonal skill and good personality.
* Flexible, pro-active and self-starters who will take responsibility for what they do and go the extra miles
* Willing to be located in Cikampek

If you meet the above requirements and eager to join with us, please submit your application letter and Curriculum Vitae not later than June 9, 2008 to :

Write down the POSITION TITLE CODE you apply in the subject of your email.

All applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Lowongan Kerja di PT. CIPUTRA SURYA Tbk. (Ciputra)

Growing with

CIPUTRA GROUP mengajak profesional yang menyukai tantangan dan semangat untuk SELALU MENJADI TERBAIK di dalam
mengembangkan karirnya dan SUPER KREATIF. Profesional yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan unit usaha REAL ESTATE, MALL, APARTEMENT dengan posisi sebagai berikut :


* Mandiri, supel/luwes, tekun, fleksibel, dan pekerja keras
* S1 Arsitektur/Sipil/Ekonomi/dsb, usia 24th – 33 th


* Mandiri, supel/luwes, tekun, fleksibel, dan pekerja keras
* S1 Hukum, usia 27 th – 33 th, berpengalaman di Properti/Bank/Notaris
* Menguasai pembuatan perjanjian, proses KPR/sertifikat, MS Office

* Teliti, mandiri, supel/luwes, fleksibel, dan pekerja keras
* S1 Psikologi usia 24 th – 33 th
* Menguasai MS Office

4. FINANCIAL CONTROLLER [FC] – Manado & Surabaya

* Teliti, mandiri, cermat dan pekerja keras
* S1 Akuntansi, usia 26 th – 25 th, berpengalaman min 2 th di akuntansi/audit
* Menguasai MS Office

Segera kirimkan curriculum vitae, email, alamat / telpon yang mudah dihubungi serta foto terakhir, kirim selambat-lambatnya tanggal 2 Juni 2008, ke :

Taman Perkantoran CitraRaya Kav, I, CitraRaya SURABAYA 60219
Email :

Tulis kode posisi pada amplop surat atau pada subyek email anda

Lowongan Kerja di PT. Bank Lippo Tbk

Closing Date June 7, 2008

PT. Bank Lippo Tbk mengundang profesional muda yang berjiwa ulet dan dinamis untuk mengembangkan karir bersama kami sebagai :

1.Branch Manager (Kode : BM-JTM)
  • Mengorganisasikan serta mengkoordinasikan kegiatan cabang dan mengelola SDM untuk mencapai target cabang
  • Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun pada posisi manajerial di bidang sales baik funding maupun lending terutama di industri perbankan

2.Sales Head (Kode : SH-JTM)
  • Mengembangkan, mengelola dan melakukan supervisi terhadap tim Relationship Officer untuk mencapai target
  • Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun dengan latar belakang sales(funding atau lending) terutama di industri perbankan

3.Relationship Officer (Kode : Ro-JTM)
  • Mendapatkan peluang bisnis dari nasabah melalui penjualan dan pelayanan produk perbankan (funding atau lending)
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dengan latar belakang sales perbankan atau institusi keuangan

4.Teller (Kode : TR-JTM)
  • Memproses setoran dan tarikan tunai maupun non tunai dari dan untuk nasabah
  • Teliti rapi dan dapat bekerja dengan cepat dan efisien

  • Pendidikan minimal S1, khusus untuk TR minimal D3 dengan min IPK 2,75
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (Word dan Excel)
  • Memiliki kemampuan manajerial yang baik (BM, SH)
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa bisnis yang baik
  • Memiliki jaringan relasi yang luas
  • Target dan customer satisfaction oriented

Kirimkan CV beserta foto terakhir (maks 100 KB) dan cantumkan kode posisi pada subject email

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lowongan Kerja di PT. Puspetindo

Closing Date June 15, 2008

Kami Perusahaan Yang bergerak dalam bidang Engineering & Manufacturing membutuhkan tenaga

1. Senior Mechanical Engineer

  • Min. S1 Teknik Mesin dan yang setara
  • Berpengalaman dalam perhitungan Disain Pressure Vessel, Heat Exchanger, Tank dan berpengalaman sebagai Checker Disain Minimal 6 tahun.
  • Menguasai standard / Code ASME, BS 5500, TEMA dan lain - lain
  • Menguasai operasional Software Disain, PV Elite, Finglow, Compress, maupun tools lainnya
  • Berpengalaman bekerja untuk Proyek dilingkungan minyak dan gas bumi, Power Plant.
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan & tulis.

2. Staff EPC

  • Pendidikan S1 Teknik Industri ( Fresh Graduate )
  • IPK Minimal 3,00
  • Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan & tulis.

3. Staff Engineering

  • Pendidikan S1 Teknik Mesin / Teknik Kimia ( Fresh Graduate )
  • IPK Minimal 3,00
  • Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan & tulis

4. Checker Gambar

  • Pendidikan D3 Teknik Mesin ( Fresh Graduate )
  • IPK Minimal 3,00
  • Usia Maksimal 25 tahun
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan & tulis

5. ASNT Level - 1 & Level - 2

  • Pendidikan Min. D3 Teknik
  • Memiliki Sertifikat UT / RT yang masih berlaku
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan & tulis

6. Staff Logistik

  • Pendidikan S1 atau D3
  • Berpengalaman Bidang Export / Import
  • Menguasai Pengelolaan Transportasi dan bongkar muat barang di Pelabuhan
  • Berpengalaman di Bidang Logistik Min 1 tahun
  • Usia 25 s/d 33 th
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan & tulis

7. Staff Pengadaan

  • Pendidikan S1 atau D3 Teknik
  • Berpengalaman di Bidang Pengadaan Min 1 tahun
  • Usia 25 s/d 33 th
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan & tulis
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer MS. Word , Excell & E-Mail

8. Staff Project Engineer

  • Pendidikan S1 atau D3 Teknik
  • Berpengalaman di PC dan PPC minimal 2 tahun
  • Usia 23 s/d 35 tahun
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan & tulis.

Surat permohonan ditujukan kepada :

Dept. Umum dan Personalia PT. Puspetindo
Jl. Jendral A. Yani PO. Box. 176
Gresik 61101


Closing Date: June 21,2008

D L Resources Pte Ltd
is an established Information Technology Services Company. The company is focused on providing Contractual IT Professionals to our clients in Singapore, consisting of financial institutions, banks and Multi-National Companies.

We have immediate vacancies for CONTRACT positions to be based in Singapore:

* Strong technical skills in AS400/ RPG400/ RPG ILE and CL400 programming.
* Minimum 2 years of application software experience is preferred.
* Banking Application Software experience, such as MIDAS, EQUATION and Silverlake would be an advantage.
* Good communication skills, independent and motivated.

We offer an attractive remuneration package. Please email your detailed resume to:
D L Resources Pte Ltd
10 Anson Road #19-12 International Plaza Singapore 079903


Closing Date : May 31, 2008

Kami adalah perusahaan terkemuka di bidang Telekomunikasi Data dan IT (Anak Perusahaan PT Indosat, Tbk)

1. Keahlian Teknis:
* Menguasai Sisten Komunikasi Data, komunikasi Wireline dan Wireless termasuk VSAT
* Mengetahui tentang konsep dasar komunikasi data
* Mengerti Network Management System
* WAN Protocol (FR, ATM, IP, MPLS)
* Mengerti penggunaan alat ukur
* Penguasaaan IP Network Management, Topologi Jaringan, TCP/IP Internetworking, IP v4 and IP v6, setting LAN/WAN Protocol, internet security
* Menguasai Perangkat Switching
* Menguasai paket software MS Office
* Mengerti Configurasi Router

2. Keahlian Non Teknis:
* Mampu berkomunikasi lisan dengan baik dengan user
* Pengalaman min. 2 tahun dibidang IP
* Mampu melakukan analisa dan evaluasi
* Kemampuan Negosiasi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris
3. Pendidikan: S1 ( Prgram Study Teknik Elektro )
4. Minimal IPK 2, 9
5. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
6. Usia: maksimum 28 tahun

Please send your CV to:

Job Vacancy at Bank NISP

Closing Date June 1, 2008

Management Development Program

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1) in any field with minimum GPA 3.00.
  • Fresh graduate or having maximum 2 years of working experience.
  • Age maximum 26 years old.
  • Have good analytical, interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Fluent in English.
  • Applicants must be willing to work in all over Indonesia.

Only qualified applicants will be processed further. The recruitment process will be conducted by NISP without imposing any cost.

Click here to apply

Lowongan Kerja di PT. CENTIVO


Company Description

PT Centivo adalah divisi riset dan development dari IMocha Consulting Malaysia (, yang bergerak dibidang Pengembang Perangkat Lunak untuk aplikasi perbankan, keuangan, dan asuransi yang berbasis web. Selama proses pengembangan sayapnya, PT Centivo mencari beberapa kandidat programmer
untuk bergabung dalam tim kami dan bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor.

PT Centivo mencari beberapa kandidat untuk ditempatkan pada posisi :

  • Programmer Java Senior, ( 5 orang )
    dengan Gaji Rp 7,000,000.00 + Jamsostek + Medical Insurance
  • Programmer Java Intermediate, ( 20 orang )
    dengan Gaji Rp 4,500,000.00 + Jamsostek + Medical Insurance
  • Admin Linux, ( 1 orang )
    dengan Gaji Rp 2,500,000.00 + Jamsostek + Medical Insurance

Untuk Admin Linux harus memenuhi kualifikasi berikut :

  • Dapat mengoperasikan Linux dengan baik
  • Memahami Router
  • Serta dapat melakukan Setting LAN
  • Min. lulusan D3

Peserta yang berminat harap mengirimkan CV ke :
Jl. Kresna Raya No. 24 Indraprasta 1 Bantar Jati Bogor
sebelum tanggal 01 Agustus 2008.

Job Vacancy PT . 21 EXPRESS

Urgently Required

We are established Air Cargo Domestic Company is urgently looking for young and dynamic professionals for positions :



- Female, single with age 22-30 years old
- Hold Minimum Diploma degree in related field
- Minimum 2 years experience in the same field
- Good comprehension and knowledge on Borland Delphi, Paradox, SQL
- Must have experience in Windows server 2003 and windows XP
- Capable of doing installation and troubleshooting for both hardware/software and LAN/WAN
- Able to work under pressure and willing to work overtime

Send your application letter, CV and latest photograph within 2 week to



Ruko Surya Inti Permata

Jl. Jemur Andayani No. 50

Blok D 101-102


Job Vacancy at PT. Electrolux Indonesia

The Electrolux Group is the world’s leading choice in household appliances, with total annual sales of more than US$17 billion and some 57.000 employees worldwide. Our promise to consumer around the world is to be the Thoughtful Design Innovator, providing the best usage of experience and delivering superior Ease of Mind. In view of our growth and expansion plan in Indonesia, we invite applications from suitable candidates seeking for long term career growth to fill the position of:

Customer Care Officer

Main Responbilities :
* To provide excellence customer care operations( such as call center, information center, customer services and publicity based on the company’s service standard.

Requirement :

* Female/Male, max 26 years old (Single)
* University Graduate (minimum D3) of Any Discipline
* Having min 1 years experience as a Call Centre or Customer Service Officer
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Fluent in English both written and oral
* Pleasant personality and good communication skill
* Customer and Services Oriented
* Good analytical thinking and problem solving skills
* Able to work as individual as well as in a team

Send the application via email to : or via mail to :

The Human Resource Division

PT. Electrolux Indonesia

Gedung Sentra Mulia Suite 501, Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav. X-6 No. 8, Jakarta 12940

Please note the position code on the top left corner of the envelope, and submit your application letter with CV, copy of certificates, recent photographs (color 4x6) no later than one weeks.

(Only shortlisted candidates will be notified)


As the National leader in the coffee products since 1927, we are constantly innovating to improve the quality of product and deliver value to our customers. We are seeking for highly dedicated, dynamic team & motivated individuals with a passion for challenge and success to be part of our winning team.

Machine Operator (Code :OPR-Jb)


Maximum 29 years old
Degree in engineering : mechanical or electrical technology
Preferably with 1-2 year(s) of working experience in related field. Fresh graduates may also apply
Good leadership and communication skills
Positive, tactical-minded
Willing to be placed in Karawang – West Java or Sidoarjo – East Java

Production Assistant Manager (PRD - Jb)


Develops, improves and implements department's KPI
Monitor daily yield, analyze defects' trends and initiate counter measures
Effective deployment of resources to achieve production output, productivity, product quality
Maximizes all production resources to enhance company's competitiveness in manufacturing lead-time and costing.
Develop new work procedure and work instruction pertaining to 5S requirement, maintenance of work procedure


* Male
* Degree in engineering : mechanical, electrical, industrial or food technology
* Having 3 - 5 years experience as Production Supervisor or Production Assistant Manager at manufacturing industry
* Having strong managerial skill
* Strong technical knowledge of all aspects of production and post-production
* Broad range of experience in managing people across all levels of an organization
* Having experience & knowledge in HACCP & GMP
* Willing to be placed in Karawang – West Java or Sidoarjo – East Java
We would like to invite you to apply for the above position by sending your CV with attached photograph and code of the position as subject to :

(Please send your application in word document and attachment not exceeded 150 KB)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Job Vacancy at Citibank

Closing Date June 6, 2008

...Urgently Required...

Card Acquisition Analyst


  • To analyze and make credit decision for a credit card application based on applicant’s 5 Cs profile in accordance to Credit Policy criteria for approval
  • To ensure card application process is done properly according to the update policy and procedure within credit cycle and service indicator
  • To approve New to The Bank or add-on account within his/her credit limit matrix
  • To ensure deviation approval goes to the correct matrix
  • To give feedback to Credit Policy, Sales and Distribution, Marketing, and other unit related with Credit Initiation
  • To ensure all marketing and/or risk acquisition program are processed based on SAF


  • Bachelor degree from reputable university
  • Good analytical and strong interpersonal skill
  • Good technical knowledge and hands on skill of advanced programming language will be an advantage
  • Self-motivated with the ability to work independently and at the same time, as a good team player
  • Well organized with the ability to multi-task and work effectively under pressure to meet deadlines and target
  • Creative and hard worker
  • Fluent in English
  • Experience working in Card Analyst Or financial industry as a card or consumer loan analyst is a plus

If the above criteria suits you, please send your comprehensive resume within 15 days from today with recent photograph to :

Lowongan Kerja di Kompas Gramedia

Business Process Analyst (Kode : BPA)

This position responsible in facilitating business / function unit to implement Performance Management System, managing & reporting business performance result, conduct business process audit and give business improvement recommendation

* Have work experience for 1-3 years in implementation of Performance Management, Balanced Scorecards or other performance management system
* Fresh Graduated who have great interest in managing business performance & improving business process are welcome to apply


This position responsible in facilitating business / function unit to implement Quality Management System & tools, conduct quality audit and give quality recommendation

* Have work experience for 1-3 years in implementation of quality management system such as Six Sigma, TQM, ISO, MBNQA or other quality tools
* Fresh Graduated who have great interest in implement quality management tools are welcome to apply

Business Research Officer (Kode : BRE)

This position responsible in conducting business research including market analysis, competitor intelligence, customer behavior research and give feasibility study to support business units in executing their planning

* Have work experience for 1-3 years in implementing business research (quantitative & qualitative methodology) with strong statistical background
* Fresh Graduated who have great interest in business development & research are welcome to apply
* Familiar with statistical software - SPSS, Minitab, Lisrel

General Requirements (for BPA, QMS, BRE):

* Male/ Female, age max. 30 years
* S2/S1 with GPA min. 3.25
* Creative and out of the box thinking, have a good conceptual and analytical thinking
* English proficiency (Speaking and Writing), Mandarin will be an advantage
* Computer Literacy (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
* Have good interpersonal and communication skills


* Female, age max. 30 years
* D3/S1 with GPA min. 2.75
* Have work experience min. 2 years as a secretary
* Good in filling, correspondence & minutes meeting
* Proactive & Flexible
* English proficiency (Speaking and Writing), Mandarin will be an advantage
* Computer Literacy (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
* Have good interpersonal and communication skills

Staf Analisa Laporan Keuangan (Kode : ALK)

* Pria / Wanita, maks. 28 tahun, single.
* S1 Akuntansi/MAnagemen Finance, IPK min. 2,9 freshgraduate / pengalaman 1-2 th di bidang akuntansi/budget.
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang tajam.
* Berminat dan memahami laporan keuangan dengan baik.

Staf Sistem & Prosedur (Kode : SSP)

* Pria / Wanita, maks. 28 tahun, single.
* S1 Akuntansi, IPK min. 3 dengan pengalaman 1-2 th menangani sistem dan prosedur.
* Memiliki kemampuan berpikir konseptual yang baik dan mampu mengajarkan sistem yang dibuat kepada orang lain.


* Pria / Wanita, maks. 28 tahun, single.
* S1 Akuntansi, IPK min. 3 dengan pengalaman 1-2 th bekerja atau magang di KAP.


* Pria / Wanita, maks. 27 tahun, single.
* S1 Akuntansi, IPK min. 2,75, freshgraduate / pengalaman 1-2 th di bidang keuangan atau akuntansi.


* Pria, maks. 25 tahun, single.
* D3 semua jurusan, IPK min. 2,75, freshgraduate/ pengalaman 1-2 th.
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan berminat untuk bekerja di dalam ruangan maupun di lapangan
* Memiliki SIM C dan mengetahui jalan di sekitar Jakarta.


Menyusun dan mengembangkan sistem yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan manajemen dan organisasi antara lain : disain organisasi, analisa jabatan, evaluasi jabatan, performance appraisal, serta memastikan penerapan sistem-sistem yang terkait dengan pengembangan manajemen dan organisasi di unit-unit usaha.

* Usia maks. 30 tahun
* Lulusan S1 Ekonomi (IESP, Manajemen), Psikologi atau S2 jurusan yang sesuai dgn SDM
* Mempunyai pengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang pengembangan manajemen dan organisasi (organizational development) serta memahami konsep kompetensi & manajemen SDM


Membuat, mereview dan mengembangkan sistem dan kebijakan bidang remunerasi dan kesejahteran sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan.

* Usia maks. 30 tahun
* Lulusan S1/S2 semua jurusan
* Mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang pengelolaan compensation & benefit


Menyusun konsep dan ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan pengaturan hubungan perusahaan dengan karyawan dan melakukan proses legalisasi ke instansi terkait dan menangani kasus-kasus yang berkaitan dengan hubungan industrial.

* Usia maks. 27 tahun
* Lulusan S1 Fakultas Hukum
* Freshgraduate atau dengan pengalaman 1-2 tahun di corporate legal atau di law firm


Melakukan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi calon karyawan : seleksi lamaran, psikotes, wawancara. Serta melakukan tugas-tugas HR lainnya seperti asesmen dan training.

* Usia maks. 27 tahun
* Lulusan S1 Psikologi dengan pengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang Rekrutmen.
* Atau Profesi/S2 Psi, freshgraduate.
* Familiar dengan penggunaan alat-alat psikotes (administrasi, skoring dan menulis laporan psikologi)


Melakukan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi calon karyawan : seleksi lamaran, psikotes, wawancara. Serta melakukan tugas-tugas HR lainnya seperti asesmen dan training.

* Usia maks. 27 tahun
* Lulusan S1 Psikologi/Managemen dengan pengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang training dan punya minat khusus terhadap training.
* Memiliki kemampuan presentasi yang baik, serta mampu menyusun modul training.
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik.

Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda melalui pos atau email (cantumkan kode lowongan pada amplop atau subjek) disertai CV lengkap, pasfoto berwarna, fotokopi transkrip dan no telepon yang dapat dihubungi

Paling lambat 31 Mei 2008 kepada :

PSDM PT. GMU (Kompas Gramedia)
Jl. Palmerah Selatan No. 22-28, Jakarta — 10270
Email : seleksi@sdm. kompasgramedia. com (file max. 300 KB)

(pada subjek hanya dituliskan kode jabatan)

Ascott International Management Pte Ltd.

Closing Date June 21, 2008

IT Desktop Support

(Singapore - Town)

  • Support Users Fault Call
  • Troubleshoot desktop and network issues
  • Maintain file server
  • Backup of central file server
  • Support Front office IT operation
  • Maintain Call accounting ,voice mail & Interface Processing Unit System
  • Stand by for IT equipment during shutdown of electricity
  • Troubleshoot blackberry issue
  • Liaise with vendor for faulty notebook & purchasing of notebook
  • Creating image for notebook & Desktop
  • Setting up of Pc, printer & shared drive for new user
  • Creating of Network and email account
  • Maintaining of Properties Key card systems
  • Basic troubleshooting of network equipment( Cisco, 3com Etc )

  • Diploma in Information Technology or equivalent with at least 2 years of desktop support experience
  • Experience in developing standard installation images according to security guidelines will be advantage
  • Proficient in Windows 2000/2003 server, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Exhange 2003/2007 Servers
  • Familiar in supporting Citrix Presentation Server 4 and Symantec Antivirus Enterprise edition.
  • Possess MCSE certification would be a plus

RealNetworks Singapore Pte Ltd

Closing Date: June 14, 2008

RealNetworks, Inc. is the global leader in Internet media delivery. We develop and market software products and services designed to enable users of personal computers and consumer electronic devices to send and receive audio, video, games and other multimedia services using the Web.

RealOne SuperPass is the fastest growing Internet paid rich media subscription service in history with over 1 million paid subscribers and is the single source for consumers to discover, play and manage the best in brand-name digital programming – sports, entertainment and news from, CNN,, and more. RealOne SuperPass also comes with the RealPlayer Plus featuring Universal Playback, allowing Internet users to play back every major media format in only one player.

We also have a strong philanthropic philosophy and dedication to our communities. We are a fast-paced, exciting, award-winning company with a fascinating past and bright future!

Web Developer / Senior Web Developer

Website development
Support online regional Marketing campaigns
System Development, integration with partners in APAC Region

Expert in Actionscript or Javascript (must know both)
Experience in Perl or PHP
Experience in HTML / DHTML / XML / CSS is a must
Experience in CMS development will be an advantage
Able to take initiatives
Able to work under pressure
With online portfolio will be an advantage
Prefer candidates with 2 years above working experience
Must be able to speak both English and Mandarin, as need to liaise with Chinese speaking clients.
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Salary range: $2000~$4000
Please send your resumes to, stating your current/expected salary and availability to start work.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Job Vacancy at Power Automation - Singapore

Closing Date June 13,2008

Power Automation (PA), a joint venture between Singapore Power and Siemens was formed in June 1996 to pursue dynamic opportunities in power system control and substation automation markets in the Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific Region. We are committed to combine new and existing technologies into a scalable flexible and future-proof overall solution that not only meet today's requirements but tomorrow's as well.

At PA, we hire the best minds around, and then empower them to do the best work possible. If you are looking for a new and exciting career, you have come to the right place.



  • Collection and engineering study of data and information related to project.
  • Engineering design, testing and commissioning.
  • Technical support to internal and external customers.
  • Project Documentation.
  • Design of SCADA/DMS/EMS projects.
  • Database modeling and parameterization (SQL).
  • Software development and integration.


  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or Engineering.
  • Knowledge of C, C++, Pascal, Java, SQplus.
  • Unix Administration 1 & 2.
  • Network Administration (CCNA).
  • Oracle Application Developer (PL/SQL, Forms).

Interested candidates are invited to submit a comprehensive resume, stating current & expected salary and date availability together with a recent photograph to the following:

Power Automation Pte Ltd
28 Ayer Rajah Crescent
Singapore 139959
Tel: 6872 2688 Fax: 6872 3449

“Only shortlisted candidates will be notified”.

Job Vacancy at NextDoor Consultancy Pte Ltd

Closing date June 9, 2008

NextDoor Consultancy Pte Ltd is the fastest growing Recruitment & Executive Search firm established with the purpose of providing value-added & seamless staffing solutions to meet the manpower requirements of our clients.

Our client is a joint venture between a GLC and a MNC in the power and energy utility market.

It has project operation and involvement in Asia Pacific region in Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Qatar, Thailand and Australia as well as supporting local project.

Software Engineer (Fresh graduates may apply) - Joint venture of a MNC & GLC
(Singapore - West - Bouna Vista)


  • Database design and maintenance
  • Development of new software applications
  • Site testing and deployment
  • To carry out software development work for PQMS projects including:
  • - software architecture design
  • - object modelling
  • - coding
  • - unit testing
  • - user acceptance testing
  • - documentation
  • - source control


  • Bachelor in (Comp Science), B. Eng (Computer Engineering), B. Computing Preferably 1-2 years relevant experience
  • Good knowledge in Java, C/C++
  • Good knowledge in Java and Java technologies including applets and servlets, J2EE, Netbeans, AJAX, STRUTS, JSP PHP Visual Basic, Visual C++ C/C++ Web Good knowledge in Tomcat, Apache Servers
  • Self starter, independent and leader qualities will be an advantage
  • Fresh graduate with strong programming skills are encouraged to apply

Please send resume in MS WORD format with recent PHOTO attached to

Kindly state:


MATADOR Systems Pte Ltd

Closing Date June 19, 2008

***Please note that we only accept applicants through
Interested applicants need to register first on the website above before applying***

MATADOR Systems Pte Ltd is Asia-Pacific's leading provider of Information Technology (IT) solutions and services to the world's largest and most prestigious companies. We provide our multi-national clientele with a powerful local presence combined with the value-add and consistency of a regional and / or global support strategy.

MATADOR incorporates expertise in the fields of both Business & Management Consulting and Technical Solution Implementation to provide the following distinct, yet inter-connected service delivery strategies:

* Outsourcing Solutions
* Systems Consulting & Implementation
* IT Staffing
* Software Development
* Multi-Media Design & Development
* Computer Training

These core competencies enable us to drive the IT revolution and provide clients with support strategies that achieve optimum performance, a competitive advantage, and a reduction in the total cost of ownership (TCO) of IT infrastructure!

Telecommunications Engineer


Operations and Maintenance of undersea and terrestrial transmission equipment, including Tyco SLTE (HPOE, WTE, TLA, PFE, and LME), CoreDirector, Nortel DX and Huawei DWDM, Cisco and Force 10 routers, TELES Voice switch equipment is the position’s primary responsibility.

Trouble Analysis, Diagnosis and Reporting
• Receive record and track reports of faults and troubles through use of the REGP database.
• Identify and diagnose problems; evaluate whether they are service-affecting, then prioritize for resolution - especially with concurrent troubles
• Ensure proper organizational attention to the problem via escalation or other action

Repair and Restoration
• Develop technical solutions to faults and troubles and implement solutions as appropriate, ensuring that service is restored on an optimum schedule

Preventive Maintenance
• Working with the NOC, perform ongoing post event analysis to cable systems and equipment, facility/hut systems and equipment.
• Determine the correct course of corrective action before problem becomes service effecting. The incumbent will utilize the Network Management Systems, Operation Support Systems, and a multitude of software programs (NIMS, REGP, etc) to support the tracking, analysis and technical solution.

• Facilitate the installation of new and upgraded systems and equipment
• Supervise vendors and contractors installing and commissioning equipment during network upgrades

• Verify that systems and equipment conform to specifications and customer requirements and that they are adequate to fully support the achievement of MTTI and MTTR

Implement Circuits
• Utilize NIMS and REPC to complete all circuit orders, from DS0 up to 10G also including Ethernet type circuits, assigned to the station
• Ensure that MTTI goals are met or exceeded


• Candidate must hold a diploma or degree in Computer Engineering, Telecommunications or Computer Science
• Proficient in International (SDH) digital hierarchy is required from fractional T1/E1 to 10G/OC192/STM64 circuit level including the use of test sets and knowledge of fiber handling / cleaning techniques
• Highly experienced with the Submarine Transmission Network, IP and Voice
• Minimum 3 years experience in Telecom Background
• Has high extensive awareness in IP (to test the links)
• Knowledgeable in Transmission Technologies
• Familiar with Testing and Installation particularly in Testing of circuits.
• Preferably highly qualified Submarine Telecom experience
• Open to all nationalities provided the candidate has excellent English communication skills.
• Must be willing to participate in on call duty tech rotation schedule including call outs.
• Some travel may be required within Singapore to assist at various sites (Currently 4).

Lowongan Kerja di PT. Meratus Line

PT. Meratus Line adalah perusahaan pelayaran nasional terdepan di Indonesia (perinngkat 75 di dunia*) dengan 15 kantor cabang dan perwakilan yang tersebar di Surabaya, Jakarta, Medan, Makassar, Bali (Benoa), Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Sampit, Kumai, Palu (Pantoloan), Kendari, Kupang, Benete (NTB), Padang, Bintuni, dll.

Kami mencari kandidat-kandidat potensial untuk dikembangkan dan untuk posisi :


  • • Min lulusan D3 / Politeknik Perkapalan dengan IPK min 2.75 (skala 4)
  • • Laki-laki, usia 23-30 tahun
  • • Dapat berbahasa Inggris (min. pasif)
  • • Menguasai program komputer (min. MS Office)
  • • Diutamakan pernah punya pengalaman di bengkel Alat-alat Berat / Kapal
  • • Tidak takut ketinggian
  • • Memiliki stamina yang kuat / tidak mudah sakit-sakitan
  • • Memiliki daya tahan terhadap stress
  • • Siap bekerja di bawah tekanan / deadline
  • • Siap bekerja di luar jam kantor (jika diperlukan)

Kirimkan Lamaran lengkap beserta Pas Foto terbaru ke :

Jl. Aloon-aloon Priok No. 27, Surabaya 60177


E-mail :

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Job Vacancy at PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda (Denpasar - Bali)

Closing Date June 6, 2008

PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967 (One of Bumiputera Group) looking for
creative & tough people to fulfill positions for :

Management Trainee (MT)

Qualifications :
1. S1 degree with min GPA 3,00
2. Good analytical thinking and communication skill
3. Familiar to work with computer and internet
4. Male Max 25 years old and not yet married
5. Willing to be placed in our Branch Offices
6. Height min 160 cm
Send your full application letter with recent photograph to :
HRD PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967
Jl. Diponegoro No. 117 Denpasar Bali

Lowongan Kerja Network, IT, Marketing, Procurement, HR Staff di Telkomsel Regional Bali Nusra

Closing Date May 25, 2008

Persyaratan Lamaran:
Surat Lamaran yang sudah ditandatangani
Biodata (form dari Telkomsel)
Curricullum Vitae
Copy Ijazah
Copy Transkrip Nilai
Foto warna 4 x 6 (2 lbr)

Alamat Surat Telkomsel:
PT. Telkomsel
Graha Telkomsel
Kantor Regional Bali Nusra
Jl. Diponegoro No. 134
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 80112

Persyaratan selengkapnya, silahkan download


Closing Date June 23, 2008

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.


Job Specification

Position : Supervisor
Departement : Marketing & Sales / Marketing Strategy

Working Location : Jakarta

Job Description:

*Prepare, Control and Review Marketing strategy for assigned product
*Control respective product budget for promotion
*Monitor and analyze market and competitor movement
*Prepare fleet marketing strategy
*Set up activity to achieve retail sales volume target


*Bachelor degree from reputable university with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
*Minimal 1 year experience
*Single, 23-27 years old
*Has out of the box creativity
*Fluent in English, both oral and written
*Has good presentation skill
*Has high analysis skill, numerical ability, can work under pressure and available to work overtime
*Has good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, and able to work in team
*Fast learner and hard worker
*Willing to travel


Job Specification

Position : Engineer

Working Location : Purwakarta (Cikampek)

Job Description:

*Analyze daily production defect occurred
*Contact and confirm to local supplier regarding the local material problem
*To inform current problem in line production to all related section
*To have contact with Nissan Japan regarding the problem or to get information


*First analysis regarding the defect founded in line production
*Inform the first analysis to related dept/sect in charge
*Request to related dept. sect to take temporary and permanent countermeasure


*Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
*Preferably fresh graduate
*Single, 22-24 years old
*Understand automotive parts
*Fluent in English, both oral and written
*Passive in Japanese language
*Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure
*Willing to hard work until late (over time) to finishing the job

Field Quality Improvement Staff

Job Specification

Position : Field Quality Improvement Staff

Department : After Sales Service

Working Location : Jakarta

Job Description:

*Accommodate technical problems which occur at dealers
*Collecting and analyzing technical problems from Plant, NML, SNA, Suppliers, and Customers and take immediate response to solve the problem
*Translating technical service bulletin and fixed countermeasure from NML / SNA
*Preparing technical service bulletin and distribute to all dealers and related section in NMI


*Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
*Preferably fresh graduate
*Single, 22-24 years old
*Understand automotive parts
*Fluent in English, both oral and written
*Passive in Japanese language
*Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure
*Willing to hard work until late (over time) to finishing the job
Please submit your complete application letter

Before June 23, 2008 to:

HRD-GA Division


Gd. Nissan MT.Haryono 3rd floor

Jl. MT.Haryono Kav.10 Jakarta Timur 13330

(Code: Engineer)

Or via email:

(Subject: Engineer)

Only short listed candidates who meet requirement will be notified.

Monday, May 19, 2008



In order to expand our telecommunication business in Indonesia, we would like to invite highly motivated and innovative individuals, who wish to develop their career in a dynamic and fast growing organization in many positions as follows:

Datacom Engineer


  • Minimum Electrical engineering/ IT Degree

  • At least 3 years experience in the same field

  • Knowledge of multimedia gateway, MSC-server, SS7-networks and/or IP networks

  • Solid understanding of TCP/IP concept

  • Familiar with Cisco router, switch and firewall. Knowledge of Huawei router would be an advantage.

  • Experience with IP security


  • Maintenance and monitor IP Network

  • Implements network configuration change to support traffic growth

  • Monitors network utilizationPerforms software and hardware impact studies after network changes

· Provides a wide variety of technical support in maintaining existing interconnecting facilities



  • Minimum S1 Telecommunication, with minimum 2 years experience in the same position
  • Good knowledge on CDMA 2000 network operation concept (BSS, NSS, IN, PDSN, AAA, Router, etc)
  • Good knowledge on network performance KPI analysis and reporting
  • Good knowledge on Windows 2000/XP, TCP/IP, UNIX networking, and MS. Excel VBA programming
  • Good knowledge on traffic analysis/engineering for cellular network
  • Posses good English

Job Scope:

  • To bring up an automation reporting system for network performance
  • To provide network performance analysis to improve the KPI
  • To provide suggestion for network optimization
  • To provide requested data statistic from internal/other department
  • To provide network configuration databases

Special Requirements:

  • Good knowledge on traffic analysis/engineering cellular network
  • Having knowledge of network performance KPI analysis and reporting
Transmission Planning Engineer


  • Bachelor degree from Electrical Engineering/Mathematics
  • Minimum 2 years experience as microwave transmission planning engineer and has extensive exposure to various transmission network technology
  • Understand basic principles of radio frequency
  • Possess a good understanding of access network technology solutions and detailed transmission network parameter planning
  • Knowledge of topology planning, ATM, SS7-network and/or IP networks
  • Knowledge of microwave transmission planning tool such as Path loss
  • Strong drive, proactive, and able to work in fast paced environment
Job Scope:

  • Performing in the field microwave line of sight survey, transmission network architecture design, detailed transmission network planning, and transmission network evaluation and optimization
  • Develop transmission planning document and design standard

Please send your application and resume photograph to:

Job Vacancy at Nokia Siemens Network (NSN)

Pls send me some References for the following Requirements with NSN in Indonesia :
  • BSS Database/Performanc e Engineer
  • Senior Optimization Engineer
  • CME Engineer
  • Implementation Engineer
  • RF Engineer
  • Nokia CS Core Engineer
  • Site Material Quality Control Engineer
  • Sitac Coordinator
I will be very Thankful to you.
Waiting for Response
Thanks & Regards
Telecom Recruiter
IMSI India Pvt. Ltd.
Tel: +91 0135 2527410
www.imsi-pm. com/india

mail to :

Lowongan Kerja di Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV)


Bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan pengembangan dan pemeliharaan aplikasi website/ internet (website, portal berita, dll)
  • Pria
  • Pendidikan Minimal D3
  • Usia Minimal 23 tahun
  • Mampu Membangun Aplikasi Menggunakan DHTML, PHP, MySQL dan Oracle
  • Pengalaman Minimal 1(satu) tahun di Bidang yang sama (Lebih Disukai)


Dengan Mencantumkan CODE pada Subject e-mail

Alamat e-mail: